
^^Anyeong Haseo....Moshi-moshi...Sugeng Rawuh...Met Dateng...^^

Thursday, May 21, 2009

LFC -Lem Fox Community-

Lem Fox Community...

One day...
TVXQIndo jogja punya project untuk foto barenk for All fans of TVXQ...
And i must handle for TVXQ fans at my school...
I started to promote with my friend
And finally i just got 4 person yang bener-bener bisa datang...
They are Agatha eonnie, Yunjae~nyu, miNt eonnie, and Riri...*im sory Ri...i dont know your nickname...so i just give your real name...hehehe*

All of them except Agatha eonnie, mampir dulu ke my home..hagz...hagz...
And kita mulai membuat spanduk dengan tangan-tangan kreatif kita untuk properti foto nanti..
Karna bahan dasarnya kertas it means kita harus menggunakan bantuan lem untuk nempel tulisan "TVXQ Indo-Jogja"
And saat itu lem yang tersedia at my home just FOX GLUE a.k.a Lem Fox...

Awalnya kita santai" aja nempel-nempel with that glue...
tiba-tiba yunjae~nyu nyeletuk asal...
"bayangkan lem fox ini berceceran di tubuh Jaejoong..."

With a reason that our brain is very-very rancuuu...*kkkk*
We know what she means...
And I just already to thinking that...
And than we started to laugh together...

Kita semua bayangin kalau Lem Fox itu adalah...--tiitt--*sensor*
and then we started to laugh again...
Until my tears out...*hasyahh...*

Since that day...
When we meet at school...we always talked about Lem Fox and have more jokes about that...
And we always laughing after talking...Anywhere...

One Day...
miNt eonnie...have an idea...
How if we make a community with name LemFox Community..
I think it's crazy...but...why i'm still want to join...

The members of Lem Fox Community is:
miNt eonnie as producent of LF
yunjae~nyu as distributor
me re-BeX-ca as consumer
And you will find us at Stella Duce 1 Senior High School

Do you want to joint with us??
Just call us now...

crazy love,


  1. WAX!!! buset dah, diceritain dari awal secara kronologis gitu!!!??? omo

    GABUNG!!!! *minta sertifikat resmi*

  2. lengkap banget siihhh ampun dahhh
    nyeritainnya tuh, looo~~
